Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Back to normal

I've been back to work just over a week now.  It's all good, same old, same old.  My co-workers seemed happy to have me back.  I'm getting back into the normal swing of things at work and at home.  Laundry has resumed to being backed up by several basket fulls.  LOL!  I really should do at least one load a night to get caught up...we'll see.  I want to TRY to start working out soon, as I still have 26 pounds to lose to get to my pre-prego weight.  I would like to lose more than that though.  I will just have to steer clear of the local ice cream shop that opened up again for the spring/summer.  It's not easy when I have 4 kiddos - and a husband that has stronger ice cream cravings than I do!  Well, a little here or there will be okay, right?!  Ha!

I received a pretty card in the mail yesterday from G&M.  They included some updated pics of Baby D!  He has already changed so much.  He's so stinkin cute!  It was wonderful seeing the pictures.  They gave me a warm fuzzy feeling to know he's growing and so, so loved by his parents.  :) 

There was a little note on the card that simply stated, "If you ever think of going on this roller coaster again, please keep us in mind!"  Oh. My. Gosh!! I may or may not have jumped up and down and screamed a lil bit!!  I was hoping they would like to do a sibling journey sometime in the future.  Now that they have opened the door to that idea, I got so darn excited.  My hubby just gave me a big ole smile.  He knows I would absolutely love to do another journey, especially if it was with G&M.  I know the future could change and things happen, but I hope sometime we are in the midst of giant shots in my butt and waiting on the double lines on the prego tests.  Some think I'm crazy to just utter the word "pregnant" just a month after delivering a baby.  I get excited just thinking about the possibility!  Yes, call me crazy, insane, weird, whatever you want.  Eh, maybe I am!  ;)

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