Thursday, October 4, 2012

Told The Kids

Well, last night we decided to tell the kids about the surrogacy.  I'm not exactly showing yet, just a bit of a tummy that could be mistaken for a large meal.  Ugh!  Our teenager already knew, so it was just the 3 younger ones.  We explained it a bit, clarified that they would not have a baby brother or sister and that it was to help another mommy and daddy have a baby.  We then read "The Kangaroo Pouch" together.  That is a cute surrogacy book for kids.  It explains the process in terms of a kangaroo carrying someone else's baby in their pouch and returning the baby to the parents after the baby was grown and ready to come out.  Our youngest, only 2 years old, didn't pay attention at all.  The 3.5 year old loved the book and then went back to playing. 

Our 6 year old was full of questions, as I knew he would be.  Come to find out, daddy had already told him a bit about it a month ago and told him to keep it a secret.  He sure did a good job, because I didn't know he knew anything about it.  He would stop us during the book to ask questions here and there.  He is quite inquisitive, so I figure he will have many more questions as time goes on.  I told him he could tell the secret now.  He got all excited and I asked what he would say.  He said he would tell them I have a baby in my tummy, but it was for someone else who's tummy was broken.  :)  I'm thinking I will have to talk with his teacher at school to fill her in.  I don't know if, or when, he would tell her, but it could confuse the heck out of her.  LOL!  Just before bedtime, he asked to see a picture of G&M "so I can see what they look like".  Oh, how I love that child!  His mind is always going!  We showed them all a picture that we took on transfer day.  He said they kind of look like me and my hubby.  :)

All is going well with me.  No more nausea at all.  Only tiny hints of heartburn if I eat something citrus.  The usual Chinese food and chocolate cravings.  All my pants are tight...but my maternity pants are way too big.  I am about 20 pounds lighter than when I was pregnant with my youngest.  Looks like I will have to invest in a few pairs of maternity pants in a smaller size.  Not much else new going on.  Chat at you later!!

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