Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I slept quite wonderfully last night.  I only woke up twice.  Once for...I have no clue.  The other was when my hubby's alarm went off.  His goes off about a half hour before mine.  I hate his alarm.  I hate my alarm.  Come to think of it, I truly dislike all alarms that wake me up.  Yes, I am totally not a morning person.  I would love it if I could sleep in until about 9 or 10 every single day for the rest of my life.  That would be lovely.  Mmhmm, it would.  My hubby would be the first to tell you how much I do, indeed, LoVe my sleep.  He tells me he cowers on his side of the bed if I'm hogging the blankets, just so he doesn't have to wake me up.  LOL!  It's like he thinks I would bite his head off or something.  ;)

Anyway, my head seems normal for the first time in the last week.  I don't feel the "dread" of a migraine hovering over me.  So, maybe a good night sleep is what I needed.  < silently jumping for joy >  Carry on....

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