Monday, June 25, 2012

It's gone!

I went for another ultrasound this morning to see if the fluid was gone.  It was!  I was so happy to hear her say that!  We are good to go!  I got my calendar from the clinic.  I begin estrogen tablets and patches today and drop my lupron to 5 units daily.  I will do this and go for labs and another ultrasound on July 3rd to see how things are going.  Depending on how my body reacts to the meds, they will schedule the transfer a few days after the labs and u/s.


HaskinsHouse said...

Its so cool to read that you and I are so close to the same time frame. Sometimes Its nice to know I'm not going this alone. Thanks for posting.

timesofasurrogate said...

Thanks for following along. I've been following yours, too. I'm glad the lupron shots got better for you. We are on a pretty close timeline!