Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Land of nod

My head seems to be a tad under control now.  I still feel like I will be overcome by a massive migraine at any given moment, but haven't since Saturday night.  My nights are quite restless, with sleep coming in short spurts.  But hey, at least I am all done with the birth control pills!  I took the last one of those lil bad boys last night. 

So, good ole Aunt Flo should arrive in a few days.  Then I will be off to the clinic for labwork and a baseline ultrasound.  The ultrasound is basically to see my lining's starting point before adding in the meds to make it all nice and cushy for the embies!  Then, I will start on estrogen, patches and pills, I believe.  I'm so stinkin excited to be moving along!  We are looking at transferring the first or second week of July.  We will get to see G&M again then!  I can't wait to see them again and especially under not-so-rushed circumstances like the first time.

1 comment:

HaskinsHouse said...

Following since we are both very close to the same schedule. Thanks for all the updates, it's nice to have a virtual sister to do this with