Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh, Skype!

I was so looking forward to yesterday.  It was going to be my first Skype video chat with D&S.  My wonderful laptop was not cooperative.  Skype wouldn't work at all, not even to type.  I even un-installed it and re-installed....nothing.  Ahhh!  I will have to keep trying to figure out what's going on since it's the only computer I have to video chat with. 

I can't believe Christmas is a week away!  Time is going by so quickly right now.  I hope to have "Santa" give L a call sometime in the coming days.  He will absolutely LOVE that!  Off to the doc today to get D's broken arm x-rayed and checked out again.  Hopefully only 2 more weeks of wearing the cast. 

Merry Christmas to you all!  Have a wonderful New Year as well if I don't "chat" with you before then.  :)

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