Monday, February 18, 2013

34 weeks

I just realized I didn't update after my doctor appointment last week.  I only have 2 appointments left before D-Day!!  All is looking good.  Baby is head down.  His heartrate was in the 140's.  I'm measuring right on still.  I've gained 35 pounds so far...eww!  I usually gain around 50, so it seems we are on track for that once again with just 5 weeks remaining.  I had heartburn something fierce last week.  It seems to be just fine now, thankfully.  Tums are always with me, just in case!  Other than the heartburn, I'm feeling really great.  I haven't gotten to the uncomfortable, get-this-over stage yet.  I'm still loving it!!!!

A few people have recently asked me if I would do this again.  You know, as of right now, right this very second in time, I would absolutely, without a doubt, say yes.  HOWEVER, I don't know how I will feel emotionally and mentally after the birth of this little baby boy that is so loved and wanted by his parents.  I think I will be okay, but one doesn't truly know until they go through the experience itself.  I obviously wouldn't do it again if my hubby wasn't all for it.  Only time will tell.

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