Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am hoping to hear back from the agency next week regarding the contract.  I just wish I could fast-forward a bit!  :)  I can't, so I'm trying my best to be patient.  I have a feeling things will pick up on here once the contract is signed.  Until I have more to report, buh-bye!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The contract has been written.  It's in D & S's hands.  Hopefully things go smoothly in regards to that.  So, not a whole lot new going on. 

Monday, June 6, 2011


I received my first bottle of prenatal vitamins from the agency, that means this is really happening!  Hopefully the contract phase goes smoothly.  We had a family thing this weekend and I was pleasantly suprised that I was approached by almost every aunt/uncle there regarding the surrogacy.  It was the first time I'd seen them in person since I told everyone.  They were all so supportive and made me feel even more excited about this wonderful journey.  Thank you all!!!

Just thinking out loud:  I really hate it when people assume things, especially if you haven't been keeping daily contact with them and they then think the surrogacy must not be progressing.  Then when they find out, they get all upset.  It had been THREE days!!  I am sorry, I truly am.  But instead of coming to you, they tell EVERYONE else BUT you of their concerns, making us both look foolish.  I need to have a chat with them to make sure they understand what is going on.  I'm sure it's just because of the uncertainty and dissapproval they have for the whole experience but it still irks me.  Again, I know not everyone will agree and that's okay.  I'll probably say this a thousand more times throughout this whole experience.  I am happy.  My husband is happy.  D&S are happy.  That is what matters! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We have a MATCH!!!

Yay!!  I'm so excited to tell you that we are officially matched with D&S!!!!  I almost can't contain myself!  The next step is to get the contract drawn up and looked over by our attorneys.  I'm so happy that this is happening and so happy to be able to help this absolutely wonderful couple!  I don't even know what to say, I'm so tickled!  :)